Birthday party on a yacht

Saturday, February 28, 2009

If I ever wanted to be a rich tai tai (a term given to one who has much leisure time and with lots of money to spend), my aunt Priscilla would be a constant reminder of why I should continue pursuing that dream.

Sentosa Cove

Uncle Henry rented a yacht for her birthday and invited the whole family. At 8 plus we took off from Sentosa Cove. After making a BIG detour from Pulau Hantu (sniffed chemical air from the industrialized island), went for a dip at the Changi beach (got bitten by sea bugs), we finally reached our destination: St John's island.

Being the introvert that I am, I (with my adorable cousin Doreen in tow) went exploring the yacht for my 'spot' a.k.a a corner to emo: note left hand side of picture. Doreen took the right. (St John's island in the background)

After doing a couple of Titanic poses, I started emo-ing, staring at the current (they really do look like a land of greenish-blue aluminium foils!) and Doreen followed suit. She gave up, after a while, in favor of chasing Dawn (a miniature schnauzer) around the yacht.

I was trying to be artistic. T_T

Dawn says hi. Caesar in the background, my aunt's new Husky.

We have established that Caesar is gay, even my aunt says so, he 'kissed' my father when he was sleeping and only licked the males. My sister claimed that Gay Dogs do exist and despite being a Gay Rights activist, I'm mildly disturbed. Gay rights for dogs?

And this is your beta-minus female Australian Husky.

April is probably the most spoiled and lucky dog on the entire universe seeing as to how her daily meals include fresh salmon. Note the word fresh.

April is a bipolar opposite of Dawn and Caesar, she wouldn't play/move/interact with anyone but my aunt. She's a real beauty alright. They often say that dogs look like their owners, IT'S TRUE.

April does a yawning pose.

The day fails us, I actually took a couple of snapshots of the sunset (before the clouds happily came in and obscured the beautiful skyline) and this turned out the best.

A very romantic evening, don't you think. ;)

I have learned that my dad has a deprived childhood. He was so obsessed with fishing that he forgo smoked salmon for tiny fishes that can't be eaten.

Me: Dad, just take off the hook and toss it back into the sea, quick!
Dad: (struggles with the hook) Woah..look at's only hooked at the sides!
Me: Ok Dad, can you quickly pick it up...(stares at Dad in horror)
Dad: It's already dead! *tosses it anyway and fish swims away*
Dad: Ohhhhhh....

Dad: Just tilt it a bit (reels in the line), you can feel it...a little jolt on the string...slowly, very slowly now...pull a little...
Me: (tilts, waits, and feels a little tug) I FEEL SOMETHING!!!
Dad: (excited, excited) *quickly reels in the string*
Me: (excited, excited!)
Dad: *pulls*
Me: Ohhh.... *stares at the empty hook* I felt something! (in defensive tone)
Dad: The bait's gone, we lost the fish.
Me: How was I suppose to differentiate between a tug from the current and a fish bite?

I have also learned that despite my uncle's Vice Presidency in his company he knows nothing about the Singapore education.

Uncle Henry: So Rain, what's your current education level?
Me: Oh uhm, I'm in JC 2 now. (has mentioned it twice now)
Uncle Henry: (in profound contemplation)
A few seconds later...
Uncle Henry: Okay...that tells me nothing...(moves on to the next person) Darren, what about you?
Darren: Er, I'm in 2D.
Uncle Henry: (looks even more perplexed) What is that? 2-D you say?


posted at 10:32 PM


Friday, February 27, 2009

I have concluded that stepping into a Rock concert was perhaps one of the silliest things I have ever done in one lifetime.

While Mag and Yings were screaming at the top of their lungs, being wholly proactive and enthusiastic, I became increasingly bored and restless. Amidst the loud banging and roaring, I propped my chin on my head trying hard not to look a) bored b) tired c) restless d) disappointed e) all of the above. My face was probably plastered with feature E because the next thing Mag said was, "Eh, why you so emo?"

For the amount of hard work and effort put into Rockafella by the Student Council, I should applaud them, but the fact remains that 80% of the bands were terrible. The lead singers were clearly out-of-tune, band members uncoordinated, there was not a hint of stage presence, the audience were merely clapping along, and....I was really, REALLY bored to tears. Half the time I was itching to leave but due to moral obligations to the Mag and a Yings, I stayed.

So I was left with the choice of either a) joining in the display of madness (and aggravate the painful throb in my head) or b) continue sulking in my corner (while silently cursing my star-crossed fate).

Fried Rice (band name) made their entrance, the crowd went nuts (teachers had to control the screaming mob by relegating them back to their seats) and Rain's voice turned hoarse with shouting/screaming/shrieking.


posted at 10:16 PM

I do love History

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

According to my GP teacher's comment and my sister's unnecessary input, my brain is easily muddled but the late revelation came to me only when I was scrambling for my Economics Case Study CA and GP essay test.

So there I was, coming into the Lecture Theater completely unprepared, completely clueless and acting completely nonchalant about sitting for my Economics test. The Economics lecturer had a voice that made my already mentally-adventurous mind venture into other realms otherwise known as my Anime-ogling hideout that resides somewhere in the non-practical side of my brain. (Yes, I would have won hands-down in a daydreamers contest.)

Her voice, the lecturer's voice that is, was a melodious monotone that caught my thoughts in rapture... I was transfixed, unable to think of anything other to preoccupy myself with than to do myself a favor and sleep.

"If we ever suffer from insomnia, we'd just need to record her voice and replay it at night!" Mag and I had simultaneously agreed.

I couldn't take it. Ask Mag, she knows best, I wouldn't sleep during lesson even if my tutor begged me to. Her voice was much too sleep-inducing that after a few minutes of lecturing, I would be dozing off...

Well! The consequences of sleeping in a sleep-inducing Lecture Theater came crashing down while I cooking up some practical, yet not so ludicrous 'answer' for my Case Study test.

1) Assess the effects of change in investments from...2002.

I stared dumbly at the Extract, looked pointedly at Mag who was propping her head on the table, and returned my stoned-gazed at the nearly blank foolscap. How WAS I supposed to answer but....

Answer: The change in investments saw a gradual decline...The effects of change from 2000 to 2001 could be attributed to September 11 2001 attacks on US World Trade Centre by Islamic Fundamentalist group, Al-Queda.

I found out later we were supposed to be use MPW (MPC?) somewhere along the lines. It never appeared in my script though. I was, and still am, thoroughly confused.

GP Essay Question: A benevolent dictatorship is the most effective form of government. How far do you agree?

Answer: (Paragraph 3) Thailand Marshall Sarit Thanarat was seen as a benevolent dictator with good intentions of reviving the economy... According to Clark D. Neher, an author equipped with vast knowledge of 'The Search of Political Structures in Southeast Asian nations', U Nu's charisma and impeccable honest won him much support from the Burmese.. Sukarno's Guided Democracy (1959) encompassed features of a totalitarian regime....

I got 33 for spamming History background knowledge: 60% was incongruous to the topic.

I'm waiting for that big RED mark for my Economics CA.


posted at 8:48 PM

O you poor soul

Monday, February 16, 2009

I find women PMS really scary. I should know because, despite my inner protest at my sexuality, mine was in full swing since Saturday. I pity my family. They're on the receiving ends of my deadly glares, pent up anger and malevolent vibes.

It was a different story though, when I went to school. My poor classmates. They got it. They saw the worst of me. When I realized I wasn't notified of Math CA, I went on a rage, like a red flag flashed in front of a bull...but worst. Hey, I'm a female too. An enraged, female bull.

My sister once said I'd make a very good teacher. Discounting facts that I'm not the least patient with kids, my glares are able to penetrate through anything. "Your glares are so severe, it sizzles! You'd frighten every kid into listening!"

I didn't quite think it was a compliment but I kept my mouth shut anyway.

I pity CJ sometimes, despite my intense hatred for the school, they're on the receiving ends of Rain's random shots of glares and malicious vibes. Today was the worst. Everyone saw a very, very dark side of me which basically comprise of Rain glaring from all corners, emitting very deadly vibes of hostility and anger, and a very ugly scowl.

I wore that ugly look on my face during assembly and some random and unfortunate girl received one of my glares. She stared at me, with a half startled and half frightened expression, as though trying to figure if I was a lurking vengeful ghost from the school's past, and quickly turned away.

"Next time, try shutting your eyes when you're angry." said my sister when I had confided in her in today's very unfortunate happenings, "You'd make instant enemies with that look of yours!"

I blame it on PMS (and stress!).

I'd say this again, I pity the people around me. (I'd be scared of myself too!)


posted at 9:59 PM

The battle between man and insect

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My dad was right when he said, "You won't be able to survive in a jungle."

I was having a bashful time blasting off loud music on my very sleek, black but miniature stereos when, amidst the mid chanting of my hypnotic emo song, a light but clear sound was heard. It went 'crick, crick, critttle crittle.' I spun my chair, only to find the source coming from the dismantled parts of my old computer.

Curious, and assuming it was another moth, I skipped to the living room and switched on the big ceiling lights. Within a fraction of a second, a very BIG insect, which had a size proportion to a praying mantis, came flying towards me. I ran for life, and that's faster than my 2.4 NAFA dash to the finish. Khai would be shocked.

I ended in the safety confinements of my sister's room and, after a few minutes of silent cursing, I came to a resolution. I had to chase the insect or it'd chase me out of my house. So, in a bid to protect myself, I wrapped myself with my sister's quilt and peeped out towards the living room for any sign of the enemy.

Lo and behold! The insect had marked its territory on the standing photo divider, tingling its long feelers, it was a good 5 feet from my sister's room. I was confined. I vaguely wondered what Dode would do if she was me. 10 minutes of brainstorming led me to a final decision...

1) Locate the enemy. (Well-armored with my sister's quilt, I inched towards the photo divider. The insect was skittering on the surface only to stop and stare at me. We glared at each other and came to a consensus, it was an either you-run-or-I-run situation.)
2) Dash to my room. (I ran, dragging the quilt along, eyes still glued to the insect.)
3) Equip myself with a weapon. (I grabbed the high-intensity torchlight from my desk.)

Gleeful, I dropped my cloth-armored suit and lay on the ground. The aim was to ski the torchlight across the floor towards the divider and hopefully attract/scare the insect. But, the highly intelligent enemy was already on the move! It skittered across the other side of the divider, effectively hiding from my view. My situation was compromised. The enemy had a wider parameter. Undefeated, I skied the torchlight and made a frantic dash towards the switch. CLICK.

The room fell into a deafening silence....until my neighbor came walking past my windows, "Ya lah ya lah, I will be there early tomorrow, you tell her to stop complaining, I will go there early one. Tsk, so mah fan."

I switched on the lights again, made a detailed scan across the living room and safely announced myself a victor.

Now, I wonder if the insect left before or after I happily glided my torchlight across the floor. Either way, I'd have to face my sister's squawking later.


posted at 11:58 PM