1/2 Prince

Saturday, May 28, 2011

1/2 Prince has a captivating storyline. The characters and their personalities are well-developed, the plot flows seamlessly, and even the tiny disregarded details are important causal agents in building up and finally explaining the entire mystery behind Second Life.

I grew impatient at having to wait 1 to 2 months for the manga chapter to be released, so I had spent the entire day reading the original untranslated 1/2 Prince novel series by Yu Wo (御我). [You can find the online novel here: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kim1984429&category_id=11169901]

To my chagrin, the story is written in Chinese. Although I personally prefer reading in English, because the Chinese language has never been my strongest suit, that choice and such a selfish request is not available to me. Furthermore, the existing online 1/2 Prince English-translation website that posts up translated works by Yu Wo has yet to catch up with the manga chapters. [You can find the website here: http://www.princerevolution.org]

Nonetheless, I charged on with my resolve to uncover the entire plot in 1/2 Prince! And I must say, the results did not leave me the least disappointed.

I am highly impressed by the plot development; the unexpected twists, surprises, and of course the ultimate revelation have left me quite literally...dumbfounded. I am in the midst of recovering from the delightful surprise and the ending which, in my honest opinion, could not have been more perfect.

I hold the greatest admiration for the writer, Yu Wo.

posted at 7:10 AM

Love Song Requiem (deviantart)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It has been a long time since my last entry. I assure you I have been busy with all things associated with academia and what not... It was a good, tightly scheduled Semester 2 this year and, speaking from a slightly workaholic personality, I thoroughly enjoyed my year 1, Semester 2 in University. Although I could really do without having 5 project essays due within the same week. It ended well though.

So, this brings me to my current 3 months holiday. What have I been up to? Well, apart from following every news regarding the recent General Elections 2011.. I have been lazing around the house like every undergrad student who has been temporarily released from the shackles of academia.

I got to playing a bit of MMORPG such as Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty and Diablo, but I grew tired of those games. I'm currently watching Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Gintama reruns. And of course, I've returned to creating more digital art pieces!

This is my most recent photomanipulation after 4 months of hiatus from Deviantart.


posted at 10:59 AM