Set Me Free (deviantart)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I have just completed a rather complicated and laborious (self-imposed) task. And what task could that possibly be? Why, my photo manipulation, of course! But before I go on at length about my past few days of living torment, I shall first showcase an earlier artwork which I had submitted for a Music Inspired contest.

I finished this piece fairly quickly because the model image, the backgrounds, the lanterns, the leaves etc...fell into place by themselves.... And the entire vision and imaginary world I have created in my mind slowly took life of its own. Oh, the joy and utter sense of accomplishment!

My creative juices did not stop flowing however, and I began to embark on yet another journey to create my imaginary world. This time the 'vision' I had in mind was that of a lady in a volcanic landscape. She is a complete state of nirvana where she is willing to let go and to free herself from her physical bonds. My vision is as you can see from the following artwork.

WELL, this vision was mightily hard to accomplish! Perhaps the toughest challenge I had imposed on myself since I first entered the digital realm 4 years ago.

Knowing that this would be my hardest work yet, I took my time. I would rest after 3 hours and continue after every day or so. Days passed by as quickly as they came, however the final mark of achievement still appeared a goal far too out of reach. I was tired from the lack of sleep, amused and annoyed that flaws kept appearing, but also proud that my 'vision' was becoming a digital reality.

So today is the day where I decided that enough was simply enough. An artwork of pure perfection is a dream of waking artists, and one would be foolish to try to realize that dream, especially one at my current level of photo manipulation skills.

I may be miles away from creating an artwork of perfection but as an artist I take pride in having delivered what I had initially sought to accomplish.


posted at 2:10 AM